Advice to SJR..
*Instead of putting out a bunch of shows randomly a week, pick a day & format and script your show into four 15 min segemnts (as a guidline not a rule).
I know u pride yourself on improvising and speaking off the cuff and u can still do that but have a rough idea at least on the points you wanna hit so that you can go to those points when the show dulls.
Theres a reason why we all release our shows just once a week, and why everyone including barry copied me by releasing the shows wednesdays which is the day most people are likely to download and listen. I tried all the days of the week to expereiment and by having my show wed is when I hit the sweet spot with 1500 listeners a week. Personally I think barry was a moron releasing his show friday nights but he learned.
Wednesdays at 10pm are the best times, and most podcast with loyal followings do the same.
If you dont choose wednesdays, pick a day and stick with it. And if for some reason you cant do the show that day, have a "best of" or sonething similar as a back up. People are creatures of habit and if you arent consistent they will forget and lose interest.
Dont keep going back to the well too often...you tend to cover the same shit sometimes and it sounds repetitive like the junkyface/jamal bashing. You are excellent on your own, but having guests more often would be good too to play off of. i know you want a wack pack, so it takes time to develop characters and storylines. BArry hit gold with Mr Right and Jorge, as did I with Steamroller and Gigsaw, Envy and Hydro. Your personal friends youve had on arent that interesting.
Your shows should have ongoing storylines that leave people looking forward to the show in anticipation to see where it leads. Have running gags and consistency so that when ppl listen they feel as if they not only know you, but also your wackie packie.
Midnight has improved alot, but he isnt good on his own just yet. His show isnt compelling, but you can feel the anger in his voice which is his strenght, but its tough listen for the whole duration.
Bropac era of PUA HAte podcastlol was developing nicely because his voice and style were so unique, but it didnt stick to hating pua's which was the supposed to be the premise of the show, even tho Nick always wanted it to be about anything other than pua.
Yuriy and Giovane have a great dynamic, but they are too similar of a charcter and its almost as if Lucifer is almost shackled at times and mufled up by Yuirys charisma...Gio needs to get that vigor back he showed me when we had our little confrontation, now that was compelling. this new lucifer on the show seems to "with it"...what made lucifer a compelling character was that you genuinly thought he was insane with the trannie shit and his abbrassive persona which has been practically non-existent on Seen Stars.
Dont plug other shows so much, it devalues you. If you follow my show, Ive only mentioned barry like 3-4 times in the 42 epsiode history of my show, while he's talked about me so many times I cant even count. You can give shout outs like i do to you and athletes cock, yuiry and lucifer and mr right, but i keep it to minimum. its like TNA wrestling constantly bashing WWE on thier program, but does WWE ever mention TNA? No because they have no reason to, its tacky and low rent.
also your audio is inconsistent. seems like sometimes its good and sometimes its bad...do sound checks and make sure its gonna be tip top. you tend to do bullshit shows where u talk for 15 min then play music...thats annoying, always do at least an hour, dont dick your audinece around. theres nothing worse than gaining the trust of your audience then you bait and switch them and some might not come back.
Prepare your show format and segments at least 24 hours before you record it.
Your first few shows you came out guns blazing and honestly those first two epsiodes are the best shit youve done and nothing since has compared tho still very good.
also the way your listeners download the show must remain consistent. you cant be posting it on your blog sometimes, then not, then on pua hate forum then not...keep it consistent so that your listeners ALWAYS know where to find your show. And dont tease your next epsiodes so much either with multiple threads. You can have a preview the day of or before, but you tend to tease shit and then not deliver the show in a reasonably timley manner...sometimes you dont even release the show you promised at all which annoys me greatly (and I can talk shit being probably your biggest fan).
Fuck all that free upload shit, get a real server host, its like just a few bucks a month and get a Wordpress site so that it will be easier for ppl to stumble on when they do searches on the internet for "pua podcast". PUA Podcast should be the title header on your html.
And if u need any help im here for you, you little foul mouthed piece of shit.
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Fuck, exactly.
The world's most pretentious insecure attention-seeking dipshit is giving advice to the world's most pathetic no-hope loser about podcast shows. When both of their shows have a combined audience of about 12 (0 if you don't count people who are actually on the show).
Actually, JTR is a slightly bigger loser. His show isn't that bad, but he's older than SuperLoser so he should know better. Anyone who chooses jack the ripper as their alter-ego has psychological problems relating to women that explains his lack of success. I think deep down SuperLoser knows he's a pathetic tool but Jack the Scammer probably believes his own bullshit by now.
Ah, whatever. Fuck both of you.
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hey, thanks, best back handed compliment EVAR
why do you hate your own race
I knew you were a closet community faggot now GTFO.
How many episodes have you listened to, you PUA creep, that made you decide it "wasnt that bad"?
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Youre all closet community faggots, at least 100 downloads each time from PUA Hate and some of you even donated to my show...
Whatever. Call me Asian if it makes you happier. If I were Asian, I wouldn't be insulted by it.
SuperFagRitual, this is the problem you share with Lefty. You totally lack any self-respect. If someone is beating down on you because of your ancestry, be a man. Tell them where to go. Don't try to join in on the joke. It's pathetic.
Jack the Scammer, sure, we believe you. BTW, all I said is your show isn't QUITE as bad as SuperLoser's. No one with a brain would say objectively that it is any better than atrocious. Only compared to SuperLoser is it possible to be anything other than entirely negative about your show.
100 downloads from puahate - lol. there aren't even 100 different people posting here on a given day. If you're going to lie, lie big. Say 10,000. Make it impressive.
Lying about 100 people from puahate downloading your shitty podcast is like lying about having a job at McDonald's.
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cool story bro
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"Dude, youre a writer for my show..."
Not surprising, since even a half-assed flame from a guy who doesn't give a damn about you except to pity you for your obvious insecurity is better than anything you've ever come up with. But not much of a compliment, since you could say the same thing about the phone book.
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lmfao, i should post a screen pic of the texts this motherfucker sends me.
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There you go, now were talkin...channel that piss and vinegar and use it for your SeenStars show you retard, thats your talent...USE IT.